Intercommunion Prayer Cycle for 2020
The Prayer Cycle of all our churches in the US for this year commences on the First Sunday in Lent. Fr. Erich Zwingert will always try to keep it up to date, as corrections come in, on the APA website.
Heavenward Bound, by the Revd E.T.W. Branscombe: a Child's book of the Catholic Religion (with superb pen and ink drawings), was last published by Dacre in 1958.
The Young Anglican's Project: an Anglican ministry with a target audience of the birth - 30's community. The Young Anglicans Project website is designed to support families, children, youth and young adult workers in their work to affect this call on the lives of young people. At the project's website you will find community, theology and resources.
Anglican Catholic Church
Anglican Catholic Faith and Practice is published by the Anglican Parishes Association in Athens, GA and is very good for adult confirmation and inquirer's classes.
The Ways and Teachings of the Church by the Revd Lefford MA Haughwout
The Practice of Religion, an illustrated Manual of Instruction and Devotions written by the Revd Archibald Campbell Knowles, DD (for older teenagers and adults).
Ritual Notes, Eleventh Edition by the Revd E C R Lamburn
The mission of St. Andrew’s Academy is to equip our students with the tools of learning and to endow them with the wisdom of the ages so that they may serve God and their fellow man with virtue and strength. For more information, contact The Revd Brian Foos.
BASIC CHRISTIANITY.........................(Go To Training) Lecture notes for a 22-week course of instruction in basic Christianity intended for those adults who are preparing for baptism and/or confirmation, for those who wish to refresh or deepen their own understanding of the basics of Christian faith and practice, and for those who are curious about Christianity. It is based on the series of 31 classes developed by The Revd Homer F Rogers and condensed by Revd Canon Richard A Cantrell, SSC, St Vincent's Episcopal Cathedral.
CHURCH SCHOOL RESOURCES....................(Go to List)
A listing of curricula and resources for pre-confirmation instruction in the faith.
THE MINISTRY OF ACOLYTES................(Go to Training)
Instruction and encouragement for acolytes.
PERMANENT DEACON TRAINING ..........(Go to Training)
A Training Manual offered not only to the clergy and postulants for Holy Orders in the Diocese of the Holy Cross, but to all orthodox Anglican jurisdictions, in the hope that it will contain everything needed for the call, training and deployment of men for the permanent Diaconate.
PAX-DOMINI PRESS................................(Go to Website)
quality Lutheran educational resources that rejoice in the Sacramental, Liturgical and Evangelical heritage of the Christian Church.”
The "Christ Our Life Series" by the Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, Ohio (published by Loyola University Press, Chicago, IL 60657) is well illustrated and worth having a look at.
St Bartholomew's Christian Education Curriculum - First Communion Course: An eight-week course with reviews and tests and kid-friendly activities, designed for either a 2nd/3rd grade group or mixed aged groups including children up to age 12. Using both the Old and New Testaments, it teaches history, imagery, symbolism and sacraments, challenging the students to a personal journey with Christ. Best used during Lent, culminating in First Communion either on Easter Eve, Easter Day or the 1st Sunday after Easter. Includes a seder meal plan for Maundy Thursday. $5 per instruction booklet.
Confirmation Course - An imaginative 2-year course covering all the main aspects of the Faith for youngsters aged 12-17. Includes challenging activities, recommended videos, games and songs. Instructive both for teens and those who teach them. Written to be used with either the '28 or the '79 Prayer Book, OR the Anglican Service Book. There is also a supplemental 1/2 year course on sexuality and the family. Available by contacting St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church, Box 563, Swartz Creek, MI 48473, (810) 635-9100.
St Francis' Children's Worship Bulletin: can be coordinated with the Sunday propers. Includes activities. Reasonably priced. or (800) 992-2144.
The St George's Christian Education Curriculum. Fr. Erich Zwingert of the Anglican Province of America recommends this highly. He writes, "Eight years ago, a group of lay people interested in ministering to children and young people at St. George's Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia, began developing a Christian Education Curriculum for use in Anglican Sunday Schools and confirmation classes...centered in Holy Scripture...and the Book of Common Prayer."
Material covered includes (a year for each of these subjects) the Prayer Book Catechism, The Church Year, Notable People and Events in the Bible, and Significant Figures in Church History. Guiding principles of the curriculum are theological integrity, flexibility and user friendliness. Activities, games, songs and a focus statement or theme summary are part of every lesson, to be used with older or younger children, in large or small groups. For more information, go to or write St. Peter Publications, PO Box 713, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada C1A 7L3, or phone or fax at (902) 368-8442, or e-mail
The Teal CurriculumThe Thomas of Canterbury Curriculum is published by St Thomas of Canterbury ACC, Roanoke, VA, and is approved by the Anglican Catholic Church. The series was written by Don Poff, BSC., with the assistance of The Revd Canon Marvin Gardner, PhD Canon Gardner writes, "The Curriculum consists of Years 1, 2 and 3, each volume containing approximately 35 lessons, one for each Sunday of the liturgical year from September through May. Lessons are usable at all pre-confirmation grade levels and were designed for small Sunday Schools where more than one or two grades are necessarily grouped. Each volume costs $60 but comes with a license to reproduce all materials (lessons, illustrations and activities) for distribution within a mission or parish. There is no need to purchase curriculum materials more than once. "The fourth volume of the series is a Confirmation Manual consisting of 40 weekly lessons to be used over three semesters for confirmation instruction with middle school students." To order or get more information, write or go to the parish website, The curriculum can be ordered from the website store. Or phone Fr Gardner, whose study number is 540-345-6030.